How to use Positive Intelligence to Thrive in Challenging Times

with Lisa Michelle Smith

Your mind can be your best friend—or your worst enemy. When faced with adversity or setbacks, our thoughts and emotions can be hijacked by our Judge and Accomplice Saboteurs, leading to responses that keep us stuck or negatively impact our results or relationships. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to tap into your Wise Sage self. Join Positive Intelligence Coach, Lisa Michelle Smith, for this workshop to tap into your new leadership superpower.

Explore the following topics:

  • What is PQ? How can we apply it in our lives today?
  • I want to raise my PQ, where do I start? – How is PQ different from EQ?
  • How can PQ help me in my life and career?

Lisa Smith

Lisa M. Smith has a B.S. in Marketing and communications, is a Master Certified Hypnotherapist with over 12,000 session hours, a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach, NLP Practitioner and EFT Practitioner in addition to a Professional Speaker, award-winning Trainer, and published author. She specializes in helping senior-level female leaders become more confident, effective leaders without sacrificing their self-care, values, and personal lives.

We are always growing and learning. It’s important to understand how to counteract our inner Saboteurs and engage our Sage so we can experience greater happiness, better relationships, and perform to our true potential.